Sagar Manthan & The Story Of King Mahabali

Sagar Manthan and story of King Mahabali

I greet Lord Vishnu, who uplifted a single family by giving his appearance six times to them for the welfare of the world. Again I greet Prahlad and his family, it was because of them, Lord Vishnu had to incarnate in different forms. These incarnations are VarahaNarasimha, Kachchap, Mohini, Vaaman, and Lord Krishna.
Lord Vishnu
Lord Vishnu
Now I tell you the story of King Mahabali (grandson of Prahlad) whose sacrifice led the glory of Demons like that of Sun in the Sky.

The Legend Of King Mahabali

Mystery Of Bali's Previous Birth

A thief was fleeing, stealing someone's golden garland and the king's soldiers were behind him. On Being caught by the king's soldiers, the thief got very nervous and ran to save himself, but unfortunately, his leg got struck by a stone and he fell on the Earth and got an injury on his head. The thief reached the brink of death due to a severe head injury. While dying, he said," I offer this golden garland to Lord Shiva" and then his soul left the body.

Messengers of Yama came there and carried his soul to Yamraj. Lord Yamraj ordered his accountant Chitragupta to review the account of his deeds. Chitragupta said that he has done many bad things in his whole life and did only a good deed. While dying, he had offered a golden garland to Lord Shiva.

Lord Yamraj ordered the soul that he would have to suffer hell for a long time, but because of offering the golden garland to Lord Shiva, he would get the throne of heaven for 48 minutes. Yamraj spoke to that soul, "Now you have to decide whether you wish to go heaven or hell first."

That soul said, "Instead of going to hell for a long time, I would prefer to sit in the throne of heaven for two clocks, 48 moments (minutes)." 

That spirit was taken to heaven and he was made king of heaven for 48 minutes The soul thought that because of offering a golden wreath to Mahadev, I have become the king of heaven for two clocks (48minutes). So why not should I put these 48 minutes as well in god's devotion? 

He commanded the attendant to bring the Tulsi dal and put it on the throne and the whole of heaven should be absorbed in the devotion of God. He performed God's devotion for two clocks with full respect. When the messengers of Yamaraj came to take him, At the same moment, messengers of Lord Vishnu appeared there. 

They spoke to the messengers of Yama, This soul has not been entitled to hell because of worshipping the Tulsi dal in the heaven with full reverence, So this soul will be born again on Earth.

Birth Of King Mahabali

That soul was born in the lineage of the great devout Prahlad. His father was great Demon Virochan. As soon as he was born, he made a very loud cry, so he was named Bali.

Bali was a very significant and god-obeying child. Devout Prahlad narrated so many stories of God's to him. He gave him the teachings of the Demon lore and also described the knowledge of the glory of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva to him.
King Mahabali
King Mahabali
Bali got the blessings of Lord Brahma and Shiva by hard penance. He got a boon that he would not be killed by any Deity and he would become the king of heaven. He would make the fame of Demon's very bright.
With the consent of all the Demons, he was made king of the Asura clan by seeing all his virtues. Bali was a very justice-loving and visionary king. In order to conquer heaven, he planned to invade heaven with his ministers.

Curse Of Sage Durvasa To Indra

Once Lord Indra met with Sage Durvasa on the way to heaven. Lord Indra bowed down to him. Pleased with him Sage Durvasa offered his neck garland to Lord Indra. Indra put the rosary in his elephant's neck and his elephant grabbed it from the trunk and dropped the rosary on the Earth. In anger, Sage Durvasa cursed Indra that he would be devoid of power and prosperity. 

Invasion On Heaven

Bali gathered all the Demons of the whole world and took a very large army of Devils to invade heaven. His army had his mighty Son Banasur, including with Demon Kaalnemi, Shambrasur, Maharathi Bal, Maharathi Rahu, Mahabali ViprChiti, Vritasur and his father Virochan, Devout Prahlad, and many fierce monsters. They were invincible with the blessing of Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva.

Bali invaded the heavenly folk with all his power. Although all the Deities of heaven fought very mightly, the deities had to leave the battlefield because of the many invincible warriors of king Bali. Lord Indra also had to leave the battlefield after being defeated by king Bali

Authority Of Heaven

Bali empowered the throne of heaven and all the loser warriors went in the shelter of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu said that the Demons are superior in strength and Deities are in intellect. Therefore, All the Deities should persuade all the Devils to churn the Ocean because the Deities will become immortal by drinking the nectar which will emerge from the Ocean. Lord Vishnu advised, that this work cannot be done alone by Demons or Deities but both together is only possible. 

Lord Indra went to King Mahabali with his principal Gods and explained to him about Churning the Ocean. Indra said, The Monsters and the Deities all will become immortal after getting the nectar, which will emerge from the Ocean after churning. King Mahabali accepted the proposal.

The Story Of Sagar Manthan

Samudra Manthan
Churning of Ocean
Mountain Mandrachal was made dasher and the snake Vasuki was made the rope to Churn the Ocean by the command of Lord Vishnu. The Deities said that Demons are more powerful so Demons will stand towards the mouth of snake Vasuki and the Deities will stand towards the tail of Vasuki snake. This proposal was accepted by the Devils. 
Sagar Manthan
Things that arose from Sagar Manthan
When the Gods and Devils started churning the Ocean, the Mandrachal mountain was not able to stand on the sea, it was drowning now and then. Lord Vishnu, therefore, incarnated as Tortoise and set the Mandrachal mountain on his back. Everyone bowed down to Lord VishnuThen, They re-started the churning of the Ocean.

Deities and Demons were churning Sea with great diligence. Suddenly a very horrible poison named Kaalakuta arose from the Ocean and it started burning the whole world.

Neelkanth Lord Shiva

Lord Vishnu announced, that no one can imbibe this poison except Lord Shiva. Then Lord Shiva swallowed all the Kaalakuta poison for the welfare of the world. With the effect of the poison, his throat became blue, so Lord Shiva is also called Neelkanth

first object that appeared from Sagar Manthan - Kaalkuta poison
Lord Shiva Swallowing Kaalkuta Poison
Then Again, the work of churning the Ocean restarted.
second object that appeared from Sagar Manthan
Kaamdhenu Cow
 The second thing that arose from the Ocean was the Cow named Kaamdhenu
which was received by the Sages. 
third object that appeared from Sagar manthan
Ucchashreva Horse
The third object that arose from the Ocean was the white Horse named Ucchashreva which was accepted by the king Mahabali
fourth thing that appeared from Sagar Manthan
Elephant Erawat
The fourth object from the ocean was the white Elephant named Erawat, which was received by Lord Indra.
5th object that came out by churning the ocean
Kaustumbh Mani

The fifth object from the churning of the ocean turned out to be the Kaustubh mani which was taken by Lord Vishnu.

From churning the Ocean,
6th object that came from Sagar Manthan
Kalp Tree
the sixth thing that came out was the tree called Kalp tree, which was kept by the Gods. 

The seventh object turned out to be a nymph named Ramba who went to Gods. 

7th object that turned out from Sagar Manthan
Nymph Ramba

Appearance Of Goddess Mahalaxmi

Lord Vishnu and Goddess Mahalakshmi
Goddess Lakshmi chose Lord Vishnu as his groom
For the eighth time, when the Ocean was churned, On the new moon day of the month of Kartik, Goddess Mahalakshmi appeared from the Sea. She chose Lord Vishnu as her groom. This day is celebrated as Deepawali in the world. On this day people worship Goddess Laxmi, Goddess Saraswati, and Goddess Kali along with Lord Ganesha.
Festival of Deepawali
Deepawali poojan
The work of churning the Ocean continued for many years. Ninth time Goddess Varuni appeared with Somruswhisky, and went to the Devils. 
9th object that appeared from ocean
Godess Varuni
The tenth object, Moon appeared from the Ocean. Lord Shiva established the Moon on his head. 
10th object that appeared from Sagar Manthan
Lord Shiva established the Moon on his head
11th object that appeared from Samudra Manthan
Parijat Tree

When the ocean was churned out for the 11th time, a tree named Parijat appeared, which was accepted by the Gods. 

12th Object that appeared from Sagar Manthan

When the ocean was churned 12th time, A Conch named Panchjanya appeared which was received by Lord Vishnu.

Appearance Of Lord Dhanvantri with Nectar

After that, On the thirteenth day of the waning phase of the Moon of the month of Kartik, Lord Dhanvantari appeared from the Ocean with the Urn of nectar in his hands. This day is celebrated as Dhanteras. On this day people establish Urn in their houses. 

Watching him all the Devils and Deities ran behind him to take nectar.
Lord Dhanvantri
Appearance of Lord Dhanvantri along with Nectar
In an attempt to catch the nectar by the Deities and Devils, a few drops of nectar fell to four places on the Earth. It fell in Prayagraj, UjjainHaridwar, and Nasikin India. The Kumbh Mela is held in these places every after 12 years. It is the largest religious event in the world.

Lord Vishnu Incarnated As Mohini

Incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Mohini
Lord Vishnu incarnated as Mohini
The Deities and Devils were pulling the urn of nectar from each other. At the same time, a young and very beautiful woman appeared in the Sky. Watching her, the Deities and the Devils both got fascinated, and they forgot about the nectar and got lost in her. The woman described her name as Mohini. She asked the reason for all of them for fighting with each other. 
Mohini catched everyone's attention
Everyone got fascinated
 from Mohini
Knowing the reason for the fight of Gods and Devils for Nectar, Mohini urged both sides to feed nectar. It was gladly accepted by both sides. Mohini queued them to distribute the nectar. Mohini was offering nectar to the Gods, but she was providing ordinary water to Devils.
Lord Vishnu incarnates as Mohini
Mohini offering nectar to dieties
Watching this, Rahu, the Son of Singhika, came in the garb of deity and sat in the middle of the Sun and Moon. So far, Mohini had provided nectar to all the Gods. When she offered nectar to RahuMohini understood that he was a Demon. It was Lord Vishnu who incarnated himself as Mohini. At the same movement, he separated the head of Rahu with Sudarshan Chakra

Owing to the effect of the Nectar, he became immortal.but the body of that Devil was divided into two parts Rahu and Ketu. Then Rahu took the pledge that he would consume the energy of the Moon on the full moon and the Sun on a solstice, time by time. 

Now the Deities were immortal, they soon defeated the Devils and regained their rights to heaven.

!!OM NAMO NARAYANA!!                         

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