Yaksha Yudishthira Conversation

Yaksh yudhishtir samvaad in English

Yaksha-Yudhishthira Conversation

The Yaksha and Yudisthir dialogue has been taken from Chapter 313 of the van parve Mahabharata composed by Lord Vedvyas. 


When Pandavas completed their 12-years exile and went for one-year anonymity, They were wandering from the jungle to find a place of anonymity. They were accompanied by their wife Draupadi. After a long walk in the jungle, they all seemed very thirsty and tired.

Stopping a place in the forest, Yudhishthira asked Sahdeva to climb up the tree and see if any water reservoir is nearby. When Sahdeva saw from the tree he noticed a reservoir a little farther. Yudhishthira told to Sahdeva, "go and bring water. " 

When Sahdeva came to the pond, he was very thirsty. When he bowed to drink water; he heard a voice "Wait. First, answer my questions then drink water. "Sahdeva ignored that voice and drank the water. As a result, at the same time, he fainted.

When Sahdeva did not come back, everyone was worried. Then Yudhishthira sent Nakula to take water, but Nakula also ignored that voice and drank water and got fainted.                                  
Then Yudhishthira sent Arjuna to the pond. Arjuna was very angry and defied when he saw his two brothers fainted. He roared,  Who is here' come in front of me. After hearing Arjun's challenge, Yaksha appeared and said, "If you too have to drink water, first answer my questions because this lake belongs to me. Arjuna also took the water of the lake by saying that no one has the right to water air and light. As a result, Arjuna also got fainted.

Then Yudhishthira sent Bhima. when he saw his three brothers fainted he got furious. The Yaksha reappeared and he told Bhima if you too drink water without answering my questions, you will also go in the same condition. Bhima also ignored him and took the water. As a result, Bhima also lost consciousness.

Then, Yudishthir left Draupadi in the jungle and came to the lake and saw his four brothers fainted. Yudhishthira got shocked, but he did not see any poisonous effect on their faces. So he thought that Shakuni might have created any punch. Thinking of all this, when he landed in the lake to drink water, he heard a voice ...

 Stay. Answer my questions first, then drink water.

Yudhishthira asked in a very polite way, who is there. Please come in front of me. Then the Yaksha appeared and said, "This lake is mine, you cannot drink water without answering my questions."

Yudhishthira said, "You ask the question, I will try to answer.

 Yaksha-Yudisthir Conversation 

Yaksha and Yudishthira
Yaksha and Yudishthir

Yaksha:- Who is heavier than the earth?  
Yudhishthira: Mother is heavier than the earth.                             

Yaksha:- Who is higher than the sky? 
Yudhishthira: Father is higher than the sky.

Yaksha:- What moves faster than wind? 
Yudhishthira: The speed of the mind moves faster than the wind.

Yaksha:- What is more than the number of straws?
Yudhishthira: Anxiety itself is more than the number of straws.

Yaksha:- Who is the friend of the creature near death? 
Yudhishthira: Charity is the friend of the creature near death.

Yaksha:- What is the thing which has covered the world? 
Yudhishthira:  Ignorance has covered the world.

Yaksha:- Who is the enemy of man? 
Yudhishthira: Anger is the enemy of man.

Yaksha:- what is the basis of religion, fame, truth, and happiness? 
Yudhishthira: Efficiency is the mainstay Of religion. Charity is the mainstay of fame. Truth is the mainstay of heaven.   Flexibility is the mainstay of happiness. 

Yaksha:- What is laziness? 
Yudhishthira: It is laziness not to do dharma.

Yaksha:-  Who is the most contented person? 
Yudhishthira: One who is not indebted.

Yaksha:- What is more black than coal?  
Yudhishthira: There is more black stigma than coal.

Yaksha:- What is the best religion in the world? 
Yudhishthira: Mercy is the best religion in the world.

Yaksha:-  Who is not mourned by subdued?                                                  
Yudhishthira:  Being subdued by the mind does not grieve. 

Yaksha:- What is shame? 
Yudhishthira: It is shameful to stay away from undoable work.

Yaksha:- What is mercy? 
Yudhishthira: Mercy is to wish happiness for everyone.              

Yaksha:-What is the cause of the death of the nation?
Yudhishthira: Anarchy is the cause of the death of the nation.

Yaksha:- What is the proof of the Brahmin element? Total character education or scripture knowledge? 
Yudhishthira: True character is the proof of the brahmin element because a  characterful shudra is better than a brahmin one who has the knowledge of scripture but has no character.  

Yaksha:- Is religion under controversy? 
Yudhishthira:-  No.

Yaksha:-  Is religion under the ideology of sages? 
Yudhishthira: No, because the ideology of a sage does not meet the other, there are differences between the ideology of sages and no one knows the whole truth. 

Yaksha:- Where is the whole truth?
Yudhishthira: There is complete truth in the caves of the heart of the individual.

Yaksha:- What is the biggest wonder in the world?
Yudhishthira: Man knows that death is the last truth of life, but he thinks in mind that the last truth of his life is not death, that is the greatest wonder of the world.
After getting all the answers Yaksha got delighted and spoke to Yudhishthira.
Whom would you like to live on? On hearing this, Dharamraj Yudhishthira said, Yaksha cannot give life to anyone. So, you give me visions of your true nature and I want to see my younger brother Nakula alive. Then Yaksha asked, "Kunti son Yudhishthira, why did you choose Nakula except for the brothers like Bhima and Arjuna?

Yudhishthira replied that I am alive out of the Kunti sons and therefore, a son of mother Madri should be survived because I do not compare any difference between mother Kunti and mother Madri
Yaksha delighted to hear this and said, "If you want to see any two of your brothers alive, whom would you like to see alive ?" 

Yudhishthira spoke, I would like to see my younger brother Sahdeva alive. Yaksha pleased to hear this. He said, that I am your Father Dharamraj and I am very happy with you. I revive all the four brothers. By saying this, the four brothers of Yudisthira woke up and all the five brothers worshipped Lord Dharamraj. Then Dharamraj went from there giving many blessings to Pandavas.
The place where Yudhishthira and the Yaksha's conversation was held is located in Dharkundi called Akhmarshak Kund near Chitrakoot.

                ।। OM NAMO NARAYANA।।

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