Birth Of Pradyumna and Slaughter Of Shambrasur

In Purans, there are many stories of re-birth. One such story is of Kaam Dev who took birth as Pradyumna, Son of Lord Krishna and Rukmani, to achieve his love. 

Kaam dev and rati devi
Kaam Dev and Devi Rati

Dissolving The Penance Of Lord Shiva

The despotism of Devils on the Earth had greatly increased. The atrocities of Demon Tarkasur were hurting the whole world. Tarkasura had received a boon from Lord Brahma, that only the Son of Lord Shiva could kill him. But Lord Shiva was absorbed in deep austerity. 

Indra sent kaam dev and Devi Rati to dissolve the penance Of Lord Shiva. By the lustrous bonds of kaam dev, and the divine dance of goddess Rati, they together created an atmosphere that made the whole world under lust. But still, they could not dissolve the penance of Lord Shiva. Then Kaam Dev applied his salacious arrow on Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva

As soon as the salacious arrow took off, Lord Shiva became extremely angry and he opened his third eye. An extremely horrible fire was revealed from his third eye, that consumed kaam dev.

Lord Shiva consuming Kaam Dev
Lord Shiva consuming Kaam Dev

Goddess Rati got nervous when Kaam dev was consumed. She went in the shelter of Lord Shiva and begged Shiva to revive him. After hearing the prayer of Devi Rati, Lord Shiva spoke, "when Lord Krishna incarnates on Earth for the welfare of society, kaam dev would be reborn as his Son."

Cupid will be known as Anang. He will reside in the hearts of the people. Then Shiva told goddess Rati that to go to Earth and reside as Maya Devi and wait for Kaam dev.

Birth Of Pradyumna

Lord Krishna and Devi Rukmani
Lord Krishna and Devi Rukmani

Lord Krishna and Rukmani were living with great joy. In due time, Rukmani gave birth to Son of Lord Krishna. He was named Pradyumna. Pradyumna was just seven days old when Shambrasura came to Dwarka. He was an elusive Demon. When he saw Pradyumna in the maternity ward, he got fascinated by him

Demon Shambrasur abducting child Pradyumna
Demon Shambrasur abducting child Pradyumna

Shambrasur kidnapped the seven days old boy and took him to his palace. This act was not hidden from omnipresent Lord Krishna. Watching the future, he did not talk with anyone about this incident. Shambrasur gave the boy to his wife Maya Devi. She got delighted to see that divine child and asked,"Whose son he is? From where you have got him?"

Shambrasur told,"He is the Son of Krishna, the enemy of devils. Being very fascinated by him, I have brought him here." Maya Devi took the boy from Shambarsur and began to play with him lovingly. Only then Maya Devi realized that Kaam Dev has taken a new birth as that child. Maya Devi also remembered the words of Lord Shiva.

Maya Devi got delighted and she appointed a nanny to take care of the child. Maya Devi soon grew up the child using science and elusive lore. She also provided him the complete knowledge of Armamentology, Elusive lore and Ethology.

Now the child had become a young man and became well-versed in all disciplines. Then Maya Devi went to Pradyumna and she reminded him of his previous birth. 
She told how he was consumed by the anger of Lord Shiva. She also told Pradyumna that he is the Son of Rukmani and Lord Krishna. When he was only seven days old, The elusive Demon Shambrasur had kidnapped him and brought at his palace. 

Maya Devi also told Pradyumna that she is goddess Rati and living as Maya Devi in the Earth by the command of Lord Shiva. She told him how she created a woman every day using her power, and sent her to Shambrasur in order to keep her identity a secret.

The War Between Pradyumna And The Sons Of Shambrasur 

Pradyumna became very angry when he listened to Maya Devi. Pradyumna cut the victory flag of Shambrasur from his bonds. The victory flag was held outside the palace and cutting the flag was the evoke of war to Shambrasur.

Shambarsur became angry by the cutting of the victory flag. He sent his hundred Sons to war with Pradyumna. A very thrilling and horrible war started between them. Pradyumna alone slaughtered 100 Sons of Shambrasur.

The War Between Pradyumna And The Army Of Shambrasur 

Shambrasur got irritated after the demise of his Sons. He came to the battlefield with his four strong Demons- Dhurdar, Ketu Mali, Shatru Hanta and, Pramadan, and with a large army. 

He came on his invincible chariot which was run by 1000 Deers. Many bad omens happened while Shambrasur was coming towards the battlefield. But he did not care for any bad omen and came to the battlefield. 

Demon Shambrasur commanded his four Chief generals and the entire army to kill Pradyumna. Mighty Pradyumna was fighting alone with the entire army and he killed the entire army with his divine bonds. All the soldiers left the battlefield and started fleeing.

Then Ketumali came to war and he released his Sahasrara Chakra to kill Praduymna, but Pradyumna grabbed his Sahasrara chakra and sent it back and killed him. After the killing of Ketumali, the Gods rained flowers from the sky.

After the killing of Ketumali, three other generals of Shambrasur came to war, but Pradyumna slaughtered all of them after a terrible and awe-inspiring war. 

War Between Pradyumna And Shambrasur

Demon Shambrasur came to battle against Pradyumna. Shambrasur had started the elusive war with Pradyumna. He rained trees and threw rocks on him, which was ended by Pradyumna with the same elusive power. 

A Lion
A Lion

Then Shambrasur formed a group of lions, elephants, and other wild animals from his magic. They all ran around to kill Pradyumn. But Pradyumna destroyed all those groups of animals from the knowledge taught by Devi Maya. 

Garuda Killing Snakes
Garuda Killing Snakes

Watching all his power becoming ineffective , Shambarsur wondered, "How shall I kill this courageous warrior?" Then he used the "Pangi" Maya given by Lord Shiva. With the influence of that Maya, the venomous Snakes came to kill Pradyumna. Pradyumna used the "Sopani" Maya to destroy the Snakes. So Garuda birds came there and killed all those Snakes.

Infalible Power : Golden Weapon

Observing that his strength was slowly getting weak, Shambrasur wondered how he could slaughter his enemy. Then he thought of using a power Golden weapon given by Goddess Parvati. The Golden weapon was the same fierce power as the Kaal Dand of Yama

Lord Indra sent Sage Narad to Pradyumna by giving a divine weapon Vaishnavastra. Sage Narad reached to the mighty warrior Pradyumna and told him about the Golden weaponHe told, "The weapon which Shambarsur is going to use now, cannot be cut off by any other weapon. 

It is an infallible weapon given by Goddess Parvati to Shambarsur. So you should pray Goddess Parvati to eliminate this weapon."  He also told the entire story of his previous birth.After providing Vaishnavstra to   Pradyumna Sage Narad went from there. 

Appearance Of Goddess Parvati

Goddess Parvati
Goddess Parvati

Pradyumna worshipped goddess Parvati in many ways. Goddess Parvati delighted and appeared on the battlefield. Pradyumna requested Goddess Parvati and told, "As soon as Shambrasur releases the Golden weapon towards me, it would become a garland". Goddess Parvati dialects, "It must happen" and disappeared from there.

As soon as Shambrasur wielded Golden Weapon over Pradyumna, it became a garland and started increasing the beauty of his neck. Shambrasur was surprised to see that. 

Slaughter Of Shambrasur

Slaughter of Shambrasur
Slaughter of Shambrasur by Pradyumna

Then Pradyumna used Vaishnavstra on Shambrasur. He was killed by the effect of that weapon. The Gods rained flowers from the Sky. They said, "Slaughter of  Shambrasut was not possible; even for the Gods." They praised  Pradyumna very much. 

Departure To Dwarka

Then Pradyumna took Maya Devi along and went to Dwarka. The people of Dwarka thought that a divine man and divine woman are coming to their city. Lord Krishna told Rukmani that he is their Son Pradyumna, and is coming to Dwarka with his wife Rati

Pradyumna and Devi Rati Arriving at Dwarka
Pradyumna and Devi Rati Arriving at Dwarka

Rukmani's heart was filled with joy by looking at Pradyumna. She had great respect for her son, Pradyumna and Rati. All the people of Dwarka got happy with the arrival of Pradyumna. 

                 ।। OM NAMO NARAYANA।। 


1.Purans - Ancient holy book.
2.Tarkasur- A demon killed by Kartikaye son of Lord Shiva. 
3.Anang - one who is consumed and lives in the heart of people. 
4.Sahastrahar Chakra - A chakra is similar to Sudarshan chakra.
5.Kaal dand - The power of God of death Yamraj.
6.Vaishnavstra - A terrible weapon of Lord Vishnu. 

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