Lord Parshuram: Birth and Life Events

Know aboutbthe immortal incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lord Parshuram

The Operator of the world Lord Vishnu has committed to protecting the world. Whenever there is a loss of religion on the Earth, Lord Vishnu incarnates on the Earth to protect Dharma. In the Treta era, Lord Vishnu had incarnated as Lord Parshuram and he established religion on Earth by destroying unrighteous powers.

Lord Parshuram- incarnation of Lord Vishnu
Lord Parshuram

The Supreme Father Lord Brahma had created four characters Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra to run the Worldcycle but this balance became unstable till the arrival of Treta era from Satva era. The work of Brahmins had to provide education and they were doing their jobs very efficiently.

Lord Brahma

On the other hand, the work of Kshatriyas had to govern and protect all the people, but the Kshatriyas were alienated from their duty. The protector of society had become an enemy of society. Nature did not accept this unfettered and inhuman treatment of the Kshatriyas. Thus, in the Treta era, Lord Parshuram appeared on Earth as the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu to uplift humanity in the World.

Story Of The Birth Of Lord Parshuram

Sage Brighu
Sage Brighu

In ancient time, there was a great Sage Brigu, who composed the great astrological Epic "Brigu Samhita." He had a Son named Reechik. He was absorbed in austerity all the time. Sage Reechik was married to Satyawati. She was the daughter of King Gaadhi

Once he performed a "Yagya" to get a Son. Two pious bowls of divine dish "Kheer" emerged from that sacrificial fire. Sage Reechik gave both of the bowls to his wife Satyavati and said, "take one bowl of Kheer for herself and feed another one to her Mother". By saying this, sage Reechik went for austerity.

Devi Satyavati
Devi Satyavati

Satyawati changed both the bowls of the divine "kheer" at the behest of her Mother. She ate the bowl which was given to her mother and offered her bowl to her Mother. When Sage Reechik came to know this, he became angry at his wife Satyawati.

Sage Reechik said I had filled the qualities of Tolerance, Endurance, and Divinity in your divine "Kheer" and included the values of entire Splendour,  Force, Valour and the Virtues of Kshatriyas in your Mother "Kheer" by the strength of my penance. But as a result of your mistake, you will become the Mother of a very grumpy and hard-tempered Son, and a great Sage and warrior-like Son will be born by your Mother.

When Satyavati listened to Sage Reechik.  she became nervous and apologise to him for her mistake. She told, she does not want a very hard-tempered Son. She urged Sage to do something with the power of his penance that my Son may not be like hard-tempered even though my grandson be.

Sage Richeek
Sage Reechik

Sage said I do not understand any difference between the Son and the grandson, so you will become the Mother of a great Sage but your grandson will be very grumpy by nature. In time, Satyawati gave birth to Sage Jamdagini

Jamdagini'was very gentle and kind Sage. He had full knowledge of both Ethology and armamentology. He was a great Sage. He was married to Renuka, the daughter of king Renu of the Isvaku dynasty. Renuka gave birth to five Sons of Sage Jamdagini, whose names were, Rukwan, Sukhen, Vasu, Vishvanas and Parshuram

Lord Parshuram was born on the third day of the waxing phase of the moon of Vesak (April) month. This divine day is known as Akshaya Tritiya. He was called Ram in his childhood because of receiving the divine Parshu or Axe from Lord Shiva, he was named Parshuram.
Lord parshuram and his father
Lord Parshuram &
 his father
Parshuram was very angry since childhood. The atrocities of Sahastrarjun had a very bad impact on his child's mind. He requested his father to teach him arms lore, but his father refused him and said, "Brahmins have the right only on scripture, not on arms."

Introduction To Sahastrarjuna

The emperor Sahastrarjun was the king of city Mahishmati of the Hehaya dynasty. It was located in the middle of the Vindhyachal Mountain. The city was situated on the bank of the river Narmada. The city was founded by King Muchkund. His second name was Mahish. The father of the Sahastrarjun was named Kartverya Arjuna. So he was known as Arjun, the Son of Kartverya.

King Sahastrarjuna
King Sahastrarjuna

King Arjun was the ultimate devotee of Lord Dattatreya. He did the hard penance of Lord Dattatreya and received the blessing of having 1000 arms. Being with the 1000 arms he was famous by the name of Sahastrarjun.  He was always ready in Yagya and other religious activities. It was Famous for him that in his time the acts of the sacrificial fire and other virtues like him had not been done by any other king.

Getting boon from Lord Dattatreya
Getting boon from Lord Dattatreya

Sahastrarjun was filled with arrogance by getting power from Lord Dattatreya. He had considered himself the most powerful person on Earth. He had conquered many of the kingdoms around him. Shattered in power, he began to increase the boundaries of his kingdom, and soon he had control over a large part of the Earth. 

He had become tyrannical by wishing to conquer the whole World. The people and other Sages of his kingdom were very unhappy. He had imposed a lot of taxes on his subordinates. None of the women in his state was safe. Several times he burnt Sage Jamdagini's ashram and forced him to change the location. 

He had become the enemy of all Bhargava Brahmins. Almost all the time, his soldiers used to come into the ashram and torture all the Sages. All this had a very bad impact on the child's mind of Parshuram.

Lord Parshuram Becoming The Pupil Of Mahadev

Parshuram was looking for a worthy guru when his father refused to teach him arms lore. He decided to depart towards mount Kailash. Parshuram reached Kailash by working very hard. Mahadev was deeply impressed by his tolerance and accepted him as his disciple.

Parasuram Ji conducted rigorous tests for ten years to get arms lore. On completion of his education, Mahadev gave him a divine bow to establish dharma on Earth. Mahadev gave him an axe or a Parshu and said, This parshu will now become your identity." From today you will be known as Parshuram"

The Conflict Between Ravana and Sahastrarjun

Shattered in power, King Sahastrarjun had crossed all the limits. Once, he was boating in the Narmada river while drinking with his maids. At the same time, Ravana the king of Lanka was absorbed in the penance of Lord Shiva in the river Narmada

King Sahastrarjuna & Ravana
King Sahastrarjuna and King Ravana

King Sahastrarjun treated him very badly and dissolved his penance. In anger, Ravana attacked him but with the help of his soldiers, Sahastrarjun made Ravana captive and put him in jail.

Atrocities of Sahastrarjun

The atrocities of Sahastrarjun were increasing day by day. He had bad intentions for Devi Renuka. So occasionally, he used to go into the ashram and harassed all the residents. One day, Sahastrarjun ordered his soldiers to burn Jamdagini's ashram.

when his soldiers started burning the ashram, at the same time, Renuka went to Sahastrarjun palace to convince him. Sahastrarjun behaved very badly with Renuka in the palace. He used force on Renuka but Renuka took a sword and saved herself.

Somehow, Renuka came out from the palace and reached the ashram. She was late in reaching the ashram. Watching at her, Sage Jamdagini became enraged and filled with fury. Bad thoughts started occurring in his mind. By destiny, A great Sage also began to think like a common man.

Sage Jamdagini commanded his four Sons to kill their Mother. They spoke to their father, slaughtering their Mother is a heinous crime so they will not obey him.

Separation Of Mother's Head By Parshuram 

At the same time, Parshuram completed his education and reached the ashram. He met very affectionately with his father. Jamdagini sought a promise from Parshuram to fulfil one of his works. Parshuram spoke, I promise you that I will complete whatever work is given to me. 

At the ashram, Parshuram met with his Mother very lovingly. At the same moment,  Sage Jamdagini commanded him to kill his Mother. Hearing such sentences from the father, Parshuram started weeping. He was very helpless. He followed the command of his father. He separated his mother's head from his divine parshu. Then Parshuram began to mourn the utmost after killing his Mother.

killing of mother by lord parshuram
Separation Of Mother's Head By Parshuram

Sage Jamdagini pleased with the fulfilment of his command and asked Parshuram to get a boon. Parshuram spoke, "please revive the mother with the power of your penance". Sage Jamdagini resurrected Renuka by the power of his penance.  

The Liberation Of King Ravana 

Ravana was leading a very miserable life in the prison of Sahastrarjun. He constantly meditated on Mahadev and thought that he must have done a huge mistake. In his mind, he apologized to Mahadev for his mistake. Lord Mahadev appeared to Parshuram and commanded him to free Ravana from the lockup of Sahastrarjun. Parshuram freed Ravana from the prison of Sahastrarjun.

Abduction Of Divine Cow Sushila 

The main purpose of Parshuram's life was to liberate them from the atrocities of Sahastrarjun.  For that, he formed an army of Sages. He lived in the forest away from his ashram and taught arms lore to all the Sons of Sages.

Once sage Vasishtha presented a divine Cow named Sushila to Sage Jamdagini. Sushila was the daughter of Cow Nandini. Vasishtha was accompanied by Anamika the daughter of Sage Priyavrat

Anamika and Sushila both stayed in the ashram. When king Sahastrarjun heard that Jamdagini had a divine cow, he reached to his ashram to get the Cow. After injuring Sage Jamdagini he got the divine Cow Sushila and went to his palace.

Abduction of Sushila by Sahastrarjuna
King Sahastrarjuna abducting Cow Sushila

Anamika informed Parshuram about the incident. By hearing this, he filled with anger and he went to the palace of Sahastrarju. He slaughtered many soldiers of the king from his divine Parshu and came back to the ashram with the Cow Sushila.

Despotism Of Sahastrarjun

Sahastrarjun became furious with the work of Lord Parshuram but he was also very frightened by his power. So he gathered the 21-kings of the Hehaye dynasty and formed a large army to reduce the influence of Lord  Parshuram
The Sons of King  Sahastrarjun went to the ashram and they murdered Sage jamdagini. They also attempted to kidnap Anamika. She killed herself by not knowing any other way to escape from them.

When Parshuram came to the ashram, his Mother mourned her chest 21 times in front of him. Parshuram replied, unless he destroys the Kshatriyas kings of the Hehaye dynasty for 21 times, he will not sit peacefully. 

His mother also died due to extreme mourning. Then Parshuram swore, he would build a pool of blood of the Kshatriyas kings and perform the ritual ceremony (Tarpan) of his parent's by the blood of that pool.

Slaughter Of Sahastrarjuna

Parshuram challenged Sahastrarjun and his huge army to war. He cut off a thousand arms of Sahastrarjun and killed him from his divine parshu. Then Lord Parshuram massacred his entire army including his Sons. Thereafter, he massacred 21 kings one by one, including their army.
Lord Parshuram massacred his entire army including his sons.
 Lord Parhsuram killed
Hehaye Dynasty
This he massacred the Kshatriya kings of the Hehaye dynasty 21 times and built a pool with their blood. He made the (Tarpan) ritual ceremony of his parent's from the blood of that pool.

Lord Parshuram killing kshatriya kings
Lord Parshuram killing Kshatriya kings

Delivering Shiva's Bow To Janak 

Thereafter Parshuram went to mount Kailash to meet Mahadev. Mahadev commanded him to relinquish arms. 
Lord Shiva and Lord Parshuram
Lord Shiva &
Lord Parshuram
Mahadev ordered him either he give away his divine bow to King Ravana or give it to one of his beloved devotee king Janak. Then Parshuram gave that divine bow to king Janak.

Lord Parshuram Residing On The Mountain Mahendragiri

After donating the Earth to Sage Kashyap,  Lord Parshuram went for penance on the mountain Mahendragiri. He had a huge burden in his mind because of the slaughter of countless individuals so his mind did not seem to be in austerity. 

Lord Parshuram absorbed in austerity
Lord Parshuram absorbed in austerity

Parshuram went into the shelter of Lord Dattatreya's for peace. Then Lord Dattatreya gave him a vision of the ultimate element.

Important Accounts from Lord Parshuram's Life

Lord Parshuram again went to Mahendra Giri Mountain and got absorbed in austerity. When Lord Rama broke Shiva's bow in Savyamber, Lord Parshuram reached in the court of King Janak and recognized the true nature of Lord Rama. He gave him many blessings.

Lord Rama and Lord Parshuram

During the Mahabharata period, Lord Parasuram taught arms lore to Bhishma, Dronacharya, and Karna. His war with Bhishma is well known when he fought with  Bhishma to get justice for Devi Amba. By the interference of Deities, they ended the war between them.

Lord Parshuram had assisted Lord Krishna and Balram and advised them to battle with a large army of jarsandh on the mountain gomantak instead of Karvirpur. Lord Parshuram also provided Sudarshanchakra and mace komodiki to Lord Krishna with the help of the Deities.

Parshuram visited the pilgrimage places of the entire Aryavrat to relieve the self-guilt of the killing of his mother, When he bathed in a divine pond of Eastern Aryavrat, he experienced immense peace. 

Lord Prashuram Kund
Lord Parshuram Kund 

This divine Kund is located in Kamlang Reserve Forest,  Lohit district of Arunachal Pradesh. This divine kund is known as Parshuram Kund. A big fair is held here on Makar Sankranti. 

Conflict Between Lord Ganesha And Lord Parshuram

Lord Ganesh is called Ekdenta because of Lord Parshuram. Once Lord Parshuram went to mount Kailash to meet Lord Shiva. At that time Mahadev was absorbed in penance, so
Lord Ganesha
Ekdanta Shri Ganesha
Lord Ganesha refused Parshuram to meet Mahadev. Then the terrible war started between both of them. In anger lord, Parashuram hit Ganesha with his divine parshu. Lord  Ganesha's tooth was broken by the attack of parshu. So from that time Lord Ganesha is called Ekdenta

Lord Parshuram is considered to be the huff incarnation of Lord Vishnu. His birthplace is considered to be Janperv mountain located in Indore, Madya Pradesh. 

Lord Parshuram Temple, Janparv Mountain
Lord Parshuram Temple, Janparv Mountain

The Purans describe many episodes in the context of Parshuram which makes it clear that Parshuram exists in every era. Lord Parshuram is immortal. He is still absorbed in penance on Mahendra Giri mountain. This mountain is located at Paralkhemundi in the Gajapati district of Orissa in India.

Mount Mahedragiri- view and temples
Mountain Mahendragiri

                 ।। OM NAMO NARAYANA।। 

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