Lord Vaaman And Legend Of King Mahabali

lord vaaman and king mahabali by the truth catcher

Austerity by Shukracharya

The Devils had been defeated and the Deities had recaptured the heavenly folk. Shukracharya was filled with anger after the deception with Demons. He moved to the shelter of Lord Shiva to achieve Sanjivani Vidya.
Shukraacharya dissolved in Mahadev's penance
Shukraacharya dissolved in Mahadev's penance

With the help of Sanjivani Vidya, a Dead person can be made alive. He did harsh penance of Mahadev. Lord Shiva was delighted with the hard penance of Shukracharya. Lord Shiva described the esoteric mystery of Sanjivani Vidya to Guru Shukracharya.

Shukracharya immediately returned to the netherworld and met with King Bali. He advised him to attack heavenly folk. Shukracharya told to king Bali, with the use of "Sanjivani Vidya" he would make the dead devils alive during the war. The enthusiasm of Bali was greatly increased and he ordered the entire Asura caste to be assembled. King MahaBali had decided the war.

Attack On Heaven

Prahlad gave the divine garland to king Bali and said, "No one would be able to defeat you until this rosary is in your neck."

The war resumed between Gods and Devils. Shukracharya used to revive the dead warriors from the battlefield with the strength of "Sanjivini vidya". Deities became so scared watching this act and they fleed from the battlefield. 

Lord Indra and King Mahabali
     Lord Indra and King Mahabali

Lord Indra and King Bali were battling Suddenly, Indra heard a voice from the sky. "Indra you cannot defeat king Bali". Indra disappeared from the battlefield listening to these words. The Devils had again won the heavenly folk. All the Devils were very happy

Motivating King Mahabali For Ashwameg Yagya

Sukracharya told king Bali that if he had to revive his right on the heave, he would have to do 100 "Ashwameg Yagyas". As soon as the 100th "Yagya" is completed, you will have the right to heaven for an infinite time. Then Indra will never be able to get right on heaven again. Demon King Mahabali started "Ashvameg Yagya" by the advice of Shukracha

Worship Of Lord Brahma

Defeated by the Devils, The Deities were very discouraged and they all reached to discuss the problem with their father, Sage Kashyap. He took them in the shelter of supreme father Lord Brahma. Sage Kashyap and all the Deities praised Lord Brahma very much. 

Lord Bramha
 Lord Bramha
Brahma spoke, "Kashyap, you should go to the north coast of Shirr Sagar with your wife, Devi Aditi, and your sons and do the penance of Lord Vishnu. "Only Lord Vishnu  can solve this problem." 

Austerity Of Lord Vishnu

Sage Kashyap, his wife Aditi and his sons (deities) did harsh penance of Lord Vishnu for a thousand years. Lord Vishnu pleased with the penance of all of them and he asked to get a boon. Sage Kashyap and Devi Aditi praised Lord Vishnu very much. This praise is called Parstavan stotra in the Puranas

Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi in Shirr Sagar
Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi in Shirr Sagar

Sage spoke to Lord, "king Bali is performing an Ashwameg Yagya by the command of Shukracharya, if he completes the 100 Ashwameg Yagya, he will have the right on heaven by the end of time.

Lord Vishnu
Lord Vishnu
Goddess Aditi and Sage Kashyap said," O Lord, Please take birth as our Son and get Indra his right by becoming his younger brother". Lord Vishnu accepted this invitation and said, "it will happen." 

Birth Of Lord Vaman

With the grace of the Lord,  Goddess Aditi became pregnant and she held the womb for 100 years. Lord Vishnu took birth in the form of Dwarf from the womb of Goddess Aditi. As soon as he was born, The Deities saw many good omens. All the Deities came to meet him. In the joy of the birth of Lord Dwarf, The Apsaras danced. He was named Vaman

Devi Aditi, Sage Kashyap and Lord Vaman
Devi Aditi, Sage Kashyap, and Lord Vaman
Lord Vaman became a young boy as soon as he was born. He told Guru Vrahaspati to go with him in the Ashwameg Yagya of king Mahabali

Lord Vaman in Dwarf Form
   Lord Vaman in Dwarf Form

Alms From King Mahabali

King Mahabali had so far completed 99 Yagya and was performing 100th Yagya. Along with Guru VrahaspatiLord Vaman reached the "Yagya shala" of king Mahabali. All the Sages present there laughed at Lord Vaman by seeing his dwarf form, but soon Lord Vaman  beat all the sages in the debate.

Lord Vaman came to Bali and prayed to him for alms. king Mahabali said"What do you ask for ?" Lord Vaman replied I want "Three Steps of the land"King Bali laughed a lot and said "Only Three Steps of the land". King Bali told, "If you ask, I can donate the whole Earth to you, but you want Only Three Steps of the land" Lord Vaman replied, "if you promise to donate me Three Steps of the land, only then I will accept your offering.

After hearing the conversation of both of them, Shukracharya spoke to King   Mahabali," you should not donate to this Brahmin. I am recognizing him, He is Vishnu in the garb of a brahmin who has come to take all our splendour."                

What could be our good fortune than this? The operator and owner of the universe is standing in our Yagyashala for alms."By saying this, king Mahabali proceeded to take water from the Kamandal. 

Shukryacharya and King Mahabali
 Shukryacharya and King Mahabali
Shukracharya entered in the Kamandal and stopped the water from coming out. Lord Vaman opened the mouth of kamandal through the straws, But one eye of Shukracharya exploded with a stroke. This made him very furious and he went from the Yagyashala.

Holding the water in his hand, King Mahabali declared to donate "Three steps of Land" to  Lord Vaman. Thereafter, Lord Vaman began to grow his body and soon his appearance began to be visible throughout the universe. 

Lord Vaman measured the whole Earth by increasing his first step. When Lord Vaman extended his second step to measure the entire Universe,  Lord Brahma washed his foot with the water of his Kamandal and praised him. After measuring the entire Universe in only two steps, Lord Vaman spoke to king Mahabali, "Where do I put my third step ?"

Lord Vaaman
Lord Vaaman
Then king Mahabali with great joy said: "O Lord, please put your third step on my head." Lord Vaman put his third step on the head of the king Bali and said," O King, I am very happy with you, with the attack of my step, you will go into the Abyss and lead a life there by my command. "O king, ask something, I will complete your intention. " 

king Bali said," I cannot ask anything by donating to the Lord of the world, but I have a desire to get protected by you outside the palace in the Abyss." Lord replied, "ok." 

Story Of Raksha Bandhan 

Lord Vaman went to the Abyss with king Mahabali by giving the kingdom of heaven to Indra. In the Netherworld, Lord Vaman came up in his Vishnu form and stayed there as the gatekeeper of the Bali. The whole term of the world stopped by not having Lord Vishnu in the Shirr Sagar.
Goddess Lakshmi
Goddess Lakshmi

hen, Goddess Lakshmi went to king Mahabali to get her husband. She accepted him as her brother. Devi Lakshmi requested Bali to allow her to take her husband. Bali  said, "O sister if you take your husband with you, Who will protect me here in the Netherworld.

story of Raksha Bandhan according to Hindu Mythology
Raksha Bandhan

Hence, Goddess Lakshmi tied a "Raksha Sutra" on the wrist of King Mahabali and told, it will protect you from all the evils. Devi  Lakshmi dialect, From today onward this day will be known as Raksha Bandhan. Then, king Mahabali requested Lord Vishnu to go with Goddess Lakshmi

Lord said to Mahabali, I am very happy with you. You will be in the Netherworld for a long time and after the end of this Vaivastha Manvantra,  you will become Lord Indra in the next Saverni Manvantra. Then, Lord went to  Shir Sagar with Goddess Lakshmi

              ।। OM NAMO NARAYANA।।



Source of images:pinterest.com

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