Lord Krishna-Mahadev war & Banasur -2

Attack Of Fire And Its Followers

Lord Krishna, Balram, and Pradumna had not yet reached to Shonitpur that the fire and its followers attacked them. This attack was headed by the brutal fire named "Angira". After the ferocious battle, Lord Krishna and mighty Balram defeated Angira and his followers. Then the soldiers of Demon Banasur and the followers of Lord Shiva started fighting with Yadav soldiers.

Fierce Demon Trishira

Lord Krishna, Pradumna, and mighty  Balram, they together killed all of them. Then a great Demon Trishira, who was originated by Mahadev himself, came to the battlefield. He fought a fierce war with Krishna and Balram and wounded both of them. Then, Krishna composed one of his belongings and that divine creature defeated Demon Trishira.

War Between Lord Krishna And Lord Shiva

Lord Krishna, Pradumna, and Balram entered Shonitpur with powerful Garuda. Krishna loudly played his Conch Panchjanya.  Its voice began to tremble the Demons and the divine flag given by Lord  Karthikeya was fell on the Earth.

After that, Demon Banasur sent several monsters to fight with Lord Krishna, but all the Demons were badly wounded by Lord Krishna's arrows and Balram's plough and they began to flee.

Lord Shiva came to the battlefield with Karthikeya and Nandi after his several followers vanquished by Yadav heroes. Mahadev injured Yadav heroes by his 100 bonds: In reply, Lord Krishna and mighty Balram wounded Shiva's followers through their sharp arrows. 

No sooner, Lord Shiva released the terrible fire weapon to Yadav heroes, it started releasing the fireballs on them. Lord Krishna eliminated the impact of fire weapons by releasing "Varunastra" on themSeeing the fierce war between Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva, The directions began to doerle and the Earth began to tremble. 

Lord Brahma, Indra, and all the deities appeared to see the fierce war between Krishna and Shiva. On the other hand, Demon Banasur also moved toward the battleground, including his army to join Mahadev.

Krishna was attacking Lord Shiva with his Shargham bow and Lord Shiva was  replying him With his Pinak bow. They both were attacking each other with their divine weapons. They both were releasing deadly fireballs on each other. 

Suddenly, Lord Shiva left a very terrible weapon and the Yadav warriors started burning. Then, Lord Krishna released the effective "Vaishnava"  weapon to Lord Shiva. Darkness fell on the entire battleground. With the influence of that deadly weapon, Shiva and his followers began to burn. 

Seeing this, Lord Shiva had made a four-corner weapon to release on Krishna but Krishna used "Jambanastra" over Mahadev. With its influence, Mahadev began to yawn and at the same time, he sat on the battlefield. After sitting for a little while, a fierce fireball appeared from his mouth and it started burning the battlefield and the Earth.

Arrival Of Lord Bramha To Stop The War

Immediately, Earth appeared in front of Lord Bramha and requested to save her from that terrible fire. Thereafter, Lord Brahma moved to Lord Shiva and said, "Why are you fighting with Krishna for the arrogant Demon Banasur. There is not any distinction between both of you. 

After hearing such sentences from Lord Bramha, Lord Shiva immersed into deep meditation and he got a vision of Lord Krishna in his mind. When Lord Shiva opened his eyes, he saw his vision in Lord Krishna. 

Lord Shiva delighted to see the image of Lord Krishna in his mind. Then, he became absorbed in the devotion of Krishna. Thereafter, Lord Shiva did not find any distinction between him and Krishna. He smiled at Krishna and Krishna also replied to him with smiling. Then Mahadev spoke to Lord Brahma that "I will not fight now".

Worshipping Of Lord Brahma                        

Lord Brahma worshipped Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva togetherThis praise is popularly known as wonderful "Harihar Stotram". According to this Stotra, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are two different forms of identical power, both of them are the Operator and the Destroyer of the world.

Lord Krishna And Karthikeya War

Thereafter, Lord Karthikeya entered the battlefield on the chariot given by general  Kumbhbhand.  He started a fierce war with Lord Krishna. He took an intense weapon called "Brahmasira" and released it to Lord  Krishna with the desire to kill him

Lord Krishna terminated the power of that weapon by Sudarshan Chakra. Karthikeya  used one of his effectual power over Krishna, but Lord destroyed that power from his hunk only. 

Seeing the fierce war between Lord Krishna and Karthikeya,Goddess Kotki, who is the eighth recreation of power of Goddess Parvati, appeared on the battleground and insisted both of them to stop the war. Then Lord Krishna and Karthikeya ended the war of her request. 

The War Between Lord Krishna And Banasur

Subsequently, Banasur came to the battlefield on his peacock chariot. Sage Narad and other deities in the sky were watching that war. Seeing Lord Krishna, Banasur said,  I will defeat you and your group here and the whole world will see my valor today. 

Banasur released many sharpened arrows to Krishna but he destroyed all of them on the way. Angry with this, Banasur released on Krishna, a very fierce power that he had received from Lord Brahma. Watching this, all the monsters began to admire Banasur, but Krishna cut off his power with a divine weapon called Parjanya. Then Banasur sent an extream fierce weapon called Brahmasira, which was cut off by Lord from his Sudarshan Chakra.

Then Lord Krishna injured Banasur with his sharp arrows. Krishna cut off the flag of his chariot and dropped the crown from his head.  Banasur fell on the ground by the attack of Krishna. 

As soon as Banasut fell on the ground, He felt very nervous and thought that I did not listen to Kumbhbhand and now I am not able to stay before my enemy with my thousands of arms. 

Seeing Banasur fell on the ground, Mahadev sent his divine chariot with Nandi. Banasur became glad to see Nandi with a chariot. He climbed on the chariot and challenged Lord Krishna again. Lord Krishna was filled with anger and he injured him with his sharp bonds.

Appearance Of Goddess Parvati On The Battleground

Lord Krishna spoke Banasura 'The force that you were so proud of, should show me. Then Krishna set Sudarshan Chakra to kill him.  But, at the same movement, Goddess Parvati appeared there and prayed Lord Krishna not to kill Banasur. Goddess Dialect, Lord, you are the basis of the whole world and all creation arises from you and dissolves in you. We have spared  Banasur life so please don't kill him. 

Lord Krishna said. that Banasur is very proud of his thousands of arms, so he will cut off his all arms except two arms. Then all the arms of Banasur were cut off by Sudarshan Chakra. Even after his arms cut off, Banasur began to roar with anger. 

Request Of Lord Shiva

Lord Krishna released Sudarshan Chakra to kill Banasur, but at the same time, Lord Shiva reached there and prayed Lord Krishna not to kill him. He said, "We have treated Banasur as our adopted Son, please do not kill him." Hearing these words from Lord Shiva, Krishna spared Banasur and left the battlefield. 

After Krishna's visit, Banasur danced to delight Lord Shiva. Pleased with him, Lord Shiva removed all his anguish and blessed him to be his principal follower. Then, Shiva went to mount Kailash along with Banasur

Then Lord Krishna, Balram along with Pradumna and Garuda reached to that place where Anirudh was imprisoned. Garuda freed him from Naagpash. They all were very happy to meet each other. 

Lord Krishna proposed general kumbhbhand for his grandson Anirudh and Usha marriage.  He gladly accepted the proposal and organized their marriage and performed Usha's kanyadaanGoddess Parvati sent Anirudh and Usha on a divine Chariot. Lord Krishna  gave the kingdom of Shonitpur to general kumbhbhand. Then, Lord Krishna, Balram  and Pradumna returned to Dwarka with  Garuda.

            ।। OM NAMO NARAYANA।। 




  • Panchjanya: Lord Krishna's shank.
  • Parjanya: a kind of weapon
  • Varunastra: a weapon meant for rain
  • Shargham bow: name of Lord Krishna's bow
  • Pinak bow: name of Lord Shiva's bow
  • Brahmshira: fatal weapon of Lord Brahma
  • Jambanastra: a weapon which causes laziness
  • Valor: extreme courage
  • English: great anger
  • Kanyadaan:  a ritual in Hindu mythology 

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