The Supreme Father Lord Brahma had created the Vadas to run the world cycle. The scholar of Aryavrat studied the Vedas and revealed the Purans from Vadas. The essence of the four Vedas are 18 Purans and the essence of 18 Purans are 108 Upnishads.
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Lord Brahma |
The Supreme Sacrificial Fire Of Sage VajsharvaЁЯФе
In the offspring of sage Gautam, a great sage was born, whose name was Vajsharva. Once sage Vajsharva performed the Sarvameth Yagya. The performer of Sarvameth Yagya has to donate his beloved items to Sages, Brahmins and other deserving petitioners after completing the Yagya.
Sage Vajsharva had also announced that he would donate all his beloved items to the worthy people after the completion of Yagya. But when the time came closer to the completion of divine Yagya, sage Vajsharva became fascinated and consequently began to donate old and weak cows to Brahmins.
Nachiketa Insisted His Father To Offer Superior Donation
Those old cows were not able to walk even. Child Nachiketa was astonished to see the act of his father. He came close to his father and said, "Father, you had pledged before starting the Sarvmath Yagya that you would donate your entire beloved things to needy brahmins, but now you are donating those weak and old cows to the brahmins which are very much near to death. Vajsharva did not reply to his son Nachiketa.
Nachiketa again spoke to his father, "O Father, you have organised the Sarvmath Yagya to improve your afterlife and decided to donate outstanding things to brahmins. But why do you become a participant of sin by donating bad things ?" Nachiketa spoke to his father, "O Father, please listen to my request and give the superior things to brahmins. Child Nachiketa continually urged to donate the best things to his father.
The words of Nachiketa did not affect his father. Then he spoke, a son is the most beloved of his father, so you tell me "whom you are going to donate me?" Several times Nachiketa asked this question from his father.
When he asked the same question for the 25th times from his father, sage Vajsharva became very angry at him and said, "I donated you to the God of death".
With the effect of the resolution power of sage Vajsharva, Nachiketa immediately reached Yampuri, the folk of Lord Yama. He sat at the entrance of the Yampuri without taking any meal for three days. After three days, The God of death, Lord Yama appeared in front of child Nachiketa. Lord Yama was filled with great compassion when he saw an innocent child Nachiketa has been waiting for him for three days without taking any food and water.
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Dialogue between Lord Yama and Nachiketa |
Dialogue between Lord Yama And Nachiketa
Nachiketa asked his second boon, In heaven, there is no fear of birth and death and nor any other fear is widespread there. So please tell me the way to attain heaven.
Lord Yama spoke, "The person who lives a restrained life and obeys his duty in all the four ashrams (Brahmcharya, Grahstha, Vanprastha, and Sanyas) receives heaven".
Getting The Knowledge Of Ultimate Element
As his third boon, Nachiketa asked Lord Yama about the virtues and mystery of the soul.
Lord Yama was extremely amazed to hear this question from the mouth of only 13-years-old boy Nachiketa. Yama spoke, the mystery of the soul is not even known by the big Sages and brahmins and you are an innocent child, so ask for something else. Lord Yama gave a variety of temptations to Nachiketa, but Nachiketa remained on his point.
Revealing The Mystery Of Soul By Lord Yama
Yama was impelled to reveal the esoteric mystery of the soul in front of Nachiketa. Lord Yama spoke, "O Nachiketa, consider the body of man to be a chariot and all the senses are the horses of this chariot. Man's mind is the rein of these horses and charioteer of this chariot is wisdom. The content is the path on which these horses run. The soul of man is a hearse riding on this chariot.
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A chariot of Life |
Just as the charioteer is incautious, the horses of the chariot are not under his control and that chariot collides with the obstacles coming forward and breaks that injure the charioteer and the hearse sitting both in the chariot.
Similarly, the imperishable soul subordinates under intellect, senses, and forgets it's ultimate imperishable nature and repeatedly engaged in regression. Therefore, it takes birth again and again and again.
Lord Yama spoke, the soul is immortal and imperishable and does not destroy even when the body is destroyed. The only goal of human birth is to attain that ultimate element, The imperishable Supreme Soul.
O Nachiketa, To knows the nature of the soul, a person should concentrate his intellect and holds tightly the reins of the mind. He should not run behind the contents and make an effort to know his soul through austerity. To know a soul through austerity is eternal knowledge. This is also the essence of Vedas.
Nachikets was very impressed by getting the knowledge of the virtues and mysteries of the soul from Lord Yama. After getting the ultimate knowledge, Nachiketa reached to meet his father again. His father took him to the heart when he saw him. Following the path of Lord Yama, Nachiketa found the immense prestige in the physical world and finally, he merged into an ultimate element.
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