The Story Of Devout Dhruv

Human life is the best creation of God and the best goal for life is to attain a supreme soul. But no soul can attain the supreme soul without the human body. That's why deities also wish to attain the human body. To achieve the divine a soul requires determination, will, devotion and deep ascendant. On the strength of this will, the devout Dhruv had recognized the incorporeal Narayan

Introduction To The Family

The devout Dhruv was the elder son of the world conquered Emperor Utanpada. The king had two queens, the elder queen was Suneeti and the younger queen' was Suruchi. King Utanpada had two sons. Dhruv was the son of the elder queen Suniti and Uttam was the son of younger queen. The king was more attracted to the younger queen because she was more beautiful than the elder one. So the king used to live with the younger queen very often. 

Once the King came to his palace by conquering the battle, The king stayed in the younger queen room, and neither he called the elder queen Suniti there and nor went to meet with her. With the desire to meet his father, child Dhruv insisted his mother to take him in the room of the younger Queen. His mother refused to go there and told, that his father would soon come to meet. with the intense desire to meet his father, Dhruv went to Suruchi's room.

Despise Of Child Dhruv

In Suruchi's room, Dhruv met very lovingly with his father. Utanpada had put his younger son Uttam in his lap. Dhruv also began to insist on sitting in his father's lap, but the younger queen refused Dhruv to sit on his father's lap. She said, the only son, Uttam has the right to sit on the father's lap. She told to Dhruv if he had to sit in his father's lap, go and do the penance of Lord Vishnu and get a boon to become a son of Suruchi in the next birth. Only then he would be able to sit in his father's lap.
Hearing these words from SuruchiDhruv cried and came back to his mother room. He told the entire story to his mother. Dhruv asked his mother about Lord Vishnu. His mother said, Vishnu is the Lord of the World. Suniti narrated many stories of Lord Vishnu to child Dhruv. Hearing the stories of Lord Vishnu from his mother, Dhruv determined in his mind to do Lord Vishnu penance. He left his mother sleeping on the night and walked away from the palace.

While walking, Dhruv went out of the city's border. when Dhruv saw some people on the way, he went to them and asked, where Lord Vishnu lives? They all were criminals. They took all the jewels of child Dhruv that he was wearing. They wanted to kill him. Suddenly an elusive snake appeared there and that snake destroyed all the burglars. All this was done by godess Lakshmi.  She was walking along with Dhruv in invisible form.

Guidance Of Sage Narad

Dhruv fell asleep at night in the jungle and began to find God again in the morning. Seeing the condition of Dhruv, the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu went to Dhruv. He was Narad Ji. Sage Narad asked, "Who are you? Why are u wandering in the jungle at such a young age?" 

Dhruv told the entire story to sage Narad. He also asked about Lord Vishnu from him. Sage Narad said, at such a young age you should go home. child Dhruv asked him how to get Lord Vishnu? Then Narad Ji spoke, only through penance God could be found.

Sage Narad spells Vishnu's mantra to Dhruv.
     "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay" 

Sage Narad said Dhruv to chant this mantra constantly. With Narad's command, Dhruv went inside the forest and started the penance of Lord Vishnu by sitting under a bay tree. Godess Lakshmi was very worried about child Dhruv that Dhruv should not be killed by wild animals. Goddess Lakshmi went to goddess Parvati and requested her to protect child Dhruv. Parvati  commanded her Lion to protect Dhruv from the wild animals.

Resentment Of Lord Indra

The child Dhruv was absorbed in the harsh penance of Lord Vishnu for quite some time, One-day Chitrarath and Manidavaj both were passing through the jungle. They were the Gandharva's of heaven. They became very awed to see the hard penance of the Dhruv. They told to Lord Indra about this incident, Indra thought that the child Dhruv in somewhere would not ask the kingdom of heaven from Lord Vishnu

Lord Indra sent nymph Lakshita to dissolve Dhruv's penance. Nymph Lakshita went to Dhruv disguised as his mother. She urged him to move into the palace. She told your father will take you in his lap so please quit penance and come back to the palace. 

Watching Dhruv drabbed in deep austerity, Lakshita did not find any impact of her words on him. Then she left. After that, Lord Indra ordered Agni Dev to dissolve the penance of Dhruv. Agni Dev set ablaze the entire forest but he didn't find any impact on Dhruv absorbed in God's penance. Agni dev succumbed and went from there. 

Intense Austerity by Dhruv

So much time had been passed while doing the harsh penance of Lord Vishnu by Dhruv. He had sacrificed both food and water but still, he was not having a vision of God. Once Narad went to him and said, "Now you should go back to the palace." The child Dhruv said to Narad, I can see Lord Vishnu in my mind, but I am not able to see his corporeal form. 

Narad spoke, viewing of Lord Vishnu is very difficult, you will not be able to do it. On the very insistence of Dhruv Narad said, that if you could hold your own breath and chant Lord Vishnu mantra in your mind then only you can see him.  

With 'OM' pronunciation Dhruv held his breath and he began to chant god's Dom - "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay" in his mind. The oxygen started occurring thinner in the world by the act of Dhruv.The throne of Indra also began to swing. All the deities went to Lord Brahma and asked the remedy of this problem. Then Lord Brahma spoke, Dhruv is doing the penance of Lord Vishnu, so we all should go to Lord Vishnu. Then all the deities went to Lord Vishnu and asked the solution to this problem.

Revelation Of Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu spoke, soon I will solve this problem by appearing before Dhruv. The child was chanting Vishnu's mantra. suddenly the picture of Lord Vishnu disappeared from his mind and he opened his eyes nervously. Dhruv saw Lord Vishnu standing in front of him in a quadrilateral form with the Conch, Chakra, Mace and the Padma and smiling towards Dhruv.

Dhruv asked Lord Vishnu why his father did not put him in the lap and his younger mother disdained him. Lord Vishnu lovingly put his hand on the head of Dhruv and put him on his lap. Child Dhruv was calm now. He told to Lord, after sitting in your lap I no longer wish to get anything. Lord Vishnu uttered, In such a small age nobody has done such harsh penance, so I give you the highest place in Nakshatra folk and by the end of time it would be known as  Dhruv folk. 

Now you go to your house. By my grace, you will live happily there and enjoy your life'. You will receive the Dhruv folk after this life.

Even today, a star named after him is located in the north direction of the Earth's orbit. The entire Constellation revolves around this star.

             ।। OM NAMO NARAYANA।। 
